Vertikale Shranjevalne Enote
Avtomatski vertikalni sistem za skladiščenje in zbiranje izdelkov.
Vertimag je idealna rešitev za skladiščenje in upravljanje materialov vseh oblik, tež, velikosti ter omogoča boljšo izrabo širine in višine prostora.

Vertical lifting module - Vertimag

Automated storage and retrieval system with a 'goods-to-person'
concept offers numerous advantages to manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution centers.
Increased efficiency in picking products

By delivering the required shelf directly to the operator in just a few seconds, the necessary time for searching and handling goods is eliminated. Operators are more precise and faster and the order picking process is optimized.

Better traceability and real-time inventory management; all shipment operations are tracked and documented, achieving complete order traceability and real-time inventory control.

Parts are automatically delivered to the optimal ergonomic retrieval height, eliminating the need for lifting, bending, climbing ladders, and unnecessary movement, which exposes operators to potential injuries.
Vertikalni lift modul Vertimag je idealna rešitev kada:
Navpični prostor stavbe je večji od 12 metrov;
Obstaja potreba po prilagodljivi rešitvi shranjevanja, katera bi prilagodila spremembe v količini in velikosti shranjenih delov;
Izdelki imajo različne velikosti in teže;
Postopek zbiranja zahteva vgrajen pripomoček za dviganje.